USCIS Accelerates Transition to Digital Immigration Processing

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced at the end of May a new strategy known as eProcessing to accelerate USCIS’ transition to a digital business model. eProcessing will be a complete digital experience, from applying for a benefit, to communicating with USCIS, through receiving a decision on a case.

USCIS will create official digital immigration records through this fully modernized process of applying for immigration benefits. According to the agency’s press release, USCIS states, “From application to decision, eProcessing will give USCIS officials faster access to applicant data.” USCIS further assures applicants they will encounter a more responsive and effective USCIS.

As a first step, USCIS will permit certain visitors for business, visitors for pleasure, and vocational students to apply online to extend their stay in the United States, with additional classifications forthcoming.  We note these online applications apply only to those filing as a single applicant without legal representation.  Whenever submitting an application to USCIS, it is always advisable to consult with an immigration attorney regarding eligibility. Please feel free to contact the attorneys of Iandoli, Desai & Cronin if you need to schedule a consultation.


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