Restricted Travel into the U.S. from Europe, China, Iran and now Brazil

As of May 27, 2020, Brazil has now been added to the list of travel-restricted countries currently including Iran, China, and most European countries, which have all been highly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.   U.S. citizens, legal permanent residents, and their immediate families who are returning home after recently visiting one of these countries in the past 14 days may still re-enter by going through a process for enhanced medical screenings at specially designated airports.  All other travelers are restricted on entering until further notice.  There is currently not specific end date to the travel restrictions.

The list of 26 Europe countries include:  UKIreland, AustriaBelgiumCzech Republic, Denmark,Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Iandoli Desai & Cronin P.C. will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates.


U.S. Embassies Reopening for Visa Services


30-day Extension Limiting travel between U.S., Canada, and Mexico to Essential Travel