Increased Fees for International Students, Scholars, Exchange Visitors, and SEVP-Certified Schools
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has finalized changes to fees charged by the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) to international students, exchange visitors and SEVP-certified schools. The new fees took effect June 24, 2019.
Fee increases include:
The I-901 SEVIS Fee for F and M international students increased from $200 to $350.
DHS maintained the $35 I-901 SEVIS Fee for J exchange visitors in the au pair, camp counselor, and summer work travel program participant categories, but increased the full I-901 SEVIS Fee for other J exchange visitors from $180 to $220.
The SEVP school certification petition fee for initial certification increased from $1,700 to $3,000.
New fees include:
A $1,250 fee for SEVP-certified schools filing a petition for recertification.
A $675 fee when schools file the Form I-290B, “Notice of Appeal or Motion.”
DHS maintained the $655 fee for an initial school site visit but will also charge this fee when a SEVP-certified school changes its physical location or adds a new physical location or campus to its Form I-17, “Petition for Approval of School for Attendance by Nonimmigrant Student.”
Regulation requires all prospective international students, scholars, and exchange visitors to pay the I-901 SEVIS Fee before the U.S. Department of State issues a visa. Students and exchange visitors who paid the I-901 SEVIS Fee prior to the fee implementation date, but before they obtain a visa or enter the United States, will not need to pay the difference between the new fee and the old fee. Students and exchange visitors will continue to pay the I-901 SEVIS Fee on
Schools will continue to pay all fees related to the Form I-17 at Should a school file an initial certification or recertification petition, petition update or Form I-290B, and it is not adjudicated before the fee implementation date, the school will not be required to pay the new or increased fee retroactively.