Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Notifies of New Temporary Travel Restrictions at Canadian and Mexican Borders
CBP published a notice in the Federal Register announcing the decision of the Secretary of Homeland Security (“Secretary”) to temporarily restrict travel by certain noncitizens into the United States at land ports of entry, including ferry terminals (“land POEs”) along the United States-Mexico border. “These restrictions only apply to noncitizens who are neither U.S. nationals nor lawful permanent residents (“noncitizen non-LPRs”). Under the temporary restrictions, DHS will allow processing for entry into the United States of only those noncitizen non-LPRs who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and can provide proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 upon request. The restrictions provide for limited exceptions, largely consistent with the limited exceptions currently available with respect to COVID-19 vaccination in the international air travel context. Unlike past actions of this type, this Notification does not contain an exception for essential travel.”