Check-in with Department of State’s Charlie Oppenheim regarding the February 2020 Visa Bulletin
In February, the final action date for EB-1 Worldwide advances two months to December 1, 2018. Based on currently available information, it remains possible--yet too early to confirm--that this category could become current in the summer of 2020. The final action dates for EB-1
China and EB-1 India continue to hold at May 22, 2017, and January 1, 2015, respectively in February.
EB-2 Worldwide is current for February 2020. Charlie notes that demand for EB-2 Worldwide numbers continues to trend in such a way that a final action date may be imposed at some point during the second half of FY2020.
EB-2 China advances two weeks in February to July 15, 2015, and EB-2 India advances one day to May 19, 2009.
Charlie notes that EB-3 Worldwide and EB-3 Other Workers Worldwide will become subject to a final action date in March 2020. Charlie will determine what that date will be upon receipt of data from USCIS in February 2020.
EB-3 China advances one month to January 1, 2016, in February 2020, slightly widening the final action date spread between EB-3 China's and EB-2 China's final action dates, placing EB-3 China 5.5 months ahead of EB-2 China. Evidence of significant downgrades from EB-2 to EB-3 have not yet materialized, but Charlie continues to watch these categories closely.
EB-3 India advances one week to January 8, 2009, in February 2020, narrowing the gap with EB-2 India, final action date of May 19, 2009, to about four months.